Why are children dying in Afghanistan?

Kokila Chokkanathan

Why are children dying in Afghanistan?

Nothing is more important for a mother than her child, but what happens when the child is dying in front of the mother? Such is the situation in afghanistan right now. Children are losing their lives in front of their mothers here. The situation is that in the last 6 months, 700 children have lost their lives here. Why has this situation arisen in afghanistan and what is the reason for this, let us know in this story today.

Why are children dying in Afghanistan?

The reason for the continuous death of children in afghanistan is none other than poverty. Here people are not even able to get enough food, due to which children are dying. The situation is such that hospitals here are filled with malnourished children, but the situation has become so uncontrollable that even doctors are not able to save the lives of children.

32 lakh severely malnourished children

There are 32 lakh severely malnourished children in Afghanistan. These are the conditions that afghanistan has been struggling with for many decades. The reason behind this is 40 years of war, poverty and the situation that arose after the Taliban took over three years ago. Now the situation in the country is getting out of control every day. Can you imagine how the 32 lakh children suffering from severe malnutrition in the country would look like? According to the BBC report, about 18-18 children are lying on 7 to 8 beds here. No child is seen crying or babbling in the hospital. There is such silence everywhere that it can make anyone restless. The children here have not been given any kind of sedative, rather they are awake but have become so weak that they cannot even move or make any kind of sound.

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