IC814 Hijack - Who's the terrorist whose body hijackers sought?

"Answer our questions honestly. read the piece of paper that was thrown out of the plane and try to keep your phrases short. This was the hijacked indian Airlines flight IC 814 to Kandahar. The indian negotiators had received requests from the hijackers. They stated that only then would they free the detainees. Originally, they demanded "the coffin of martyr" Sajjad Afghani, $200 million (about Rs. 860 crore), and the release of 36 terrorists.

'IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack', a Netflix series directed by Anubhav Sinha, has brought the 1999 hostage situation back into prominence, bringing the hijacking of IC 814 back into the spotlight. Starring are Pankaj Kapur, Vijay Varma, and Naseeruddin Shah. The show is an adaptation of the 2000 novel "Flight into Fear" by Captain Devi Sharan. The hijackers utilized the aircraft's VHS set and walkie-talkies, which were supplied by air Traffic Controller (ATC) Kandahar, to communicate with the indian authorities.

Taliban hardliners came to the fore as a result of the coffin demand, and they started to exert pressure on the hijackers to back down from their demands.
Shura, the Taliban supreme Council, intervened and called a meeting. It ultimately came to the conclusion that the hijackers' demand for money was unacceptable and ought to be rejected. The Taliban authorities threatened to have the hijackers evacuate Kandahar if they didn't cooperate.
Most of the original demands were dropped, and in the end, india exchanged three terrorists for every passenger on IC 814.

This is all following heated talks at the airport in Kandahar.
In 1999, the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, much as they do now.
As per the book 'IC 814 Hijacked: The Inside Story' by Anil K. Jaggia and Saurabh Shukla, Taliban head Mullah Omar requested that his foreign minister, Wakil ahmed Muttawakil, continue the discussions and communicate with the chief hijacker for half an hour.


Sajjad Afghani rose to the position of commander in Chief within the terrorist group Harkat-ul-Ansar in srinagar in 1991.
He was taken into custody by the indian Border Security Force (BSF) in june 1994 together with terrorist Masood Azhar, who was the general secretary of the terror group Harkat-ul-Ansar at the time.
Afghani was tough and fragile-looking; he had even battled the Russians. Lt Gen arjun Ray, the Brigadier General Staff (BGS) at the time, called him the "biggest catch".
In 1993, the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen merged with the Harkat-ul-Jehad-al-Islami (HuJI), another terrorist group, to establish the Harkat-ul-Ansar (HuA). This was the devious scheme of pakistan to incite further unrest and violence in Jammu and Kashmir.

That operation was thwarted by indian security forces, who arrested three of the leaders.
Initially, in november 1993, Nasrullah Mansur Langrayal, the leader of the erstwhile Harkat-ul Mujahideen, was taken into custody. Azhar of Harkat-ul-Ansar and Sajjad Afghani, the head of the group's J&K section, were taken into custody in srinagar in march 1994.
Chief leader of Harkat-ul-Ansar Sajjad Afghani was detained at Jammu's Kotbalwal Jail, a maximum-security facility.
On July 15, 1999, he was shot and killed in an attempt to escape out of jail.

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