Vijay's movie breaks the record with ₹16cr!The Greatest of All Time (GOAT), starring Thalapathy Vijay, has reportedly received ₹16cr in advance global bookings. One of the most eagerly awaited films of the year, directed by venkat Prabhu, is slated to open in theaters this Thursday, september 5. There are rumors that this is Vijay's penultimate movie before he goes into politics. For its first day of sales, the intense action performer has already sold ₹11cr worth of tickets.
According to Sacnilk, the film has already sold ₹11cr worth of tickets on Day 1, and further reserved seats will increase this total to an astounding ₹14.6cr. According to the report, the movie has made ₹11.2cr from Tamil-speaking regions alone, with an average ticket price of ₹208. The Delhi-NCR region has contributed less than ₹2 lakh, while advance purchases in maharashtra have only reached ₹4 lakh. In the meantime, GOAT has earned ₹5.5cr in the US, breaking the records for advanced bookings previously held by Vijay's Beast.
Ajmal Ameer, Mohan, Jayaram, Sneha, Prashanth, Prabhu Deva, and many more actors are in the ensemble cast of the movie. In significant roles are Meenakshi Chaudhary, Laila, yogi Babu, and Vaibhav, among others. With a reported budget of around ₹400cr, the movie is considered among the most expensive ones released this year. siddhartha Nuni did the cinematography while yuvan shankar raja composed the original music.