Teachers protest at Madan Mohan Jha's residence for grant

Kokila Chokkanathan

Teachers protest at madan Mohan Jha's residence for grant…

Unfunded teachers of bihar are on strike in patna today (30 August). teachers surrounded the residence of bihar Legislative Council member madan Mohan Jha because madan Mohan Jha is a member of the council from the teacher constituency. madan Mohan Jha was also sitting on the strike with these teachers. During this, the teachers were protesting by singing songs to demand rights from the bihar government. During the protest, madan Mohan Jha said that the government has a rule to give grants to unfunded teachers, but these teachers have not received any grant amount in the last 8-9 years.

madan Mohan Jha spoke in support of teachers

madan Mohan Jha said that nitish kumar had said that grant amount should be given, do not delay it. But due to the officials, these teachers are not able to get the grant amount. The only reason for the delay in the grant amount is the officials. The decision is taken in front of the Chairman of the Legislative Council, the Hon'ble deputy chief minister and all the members. It is agreed that the grant should be given to these teachers on time, but still it is not given.

The MLC said that where is the delay and where is the problem. This has to be seen. In the matter of education, the officials have also ignored the instructions of chief minister nitish kumar many times. It has been seen that Nitish Kumar's statement came in both the houses on the issue of education but the officials ignored it. The demand of these teachers today is absolutely correct.

Subsidy amount of teachers stopped since 2016

At the same time, a teacher sitting on the dharna said that we have not received the grant amount since the year 2016. All the members of the Legislative Council are aware that the grant amount has been stopped. There are more than 1450 such institutions in bihar, which have been recognized by the government. These institutions play a role of more than 50% in the enrollment ratio of the government. There are 40 to 45 thousand such teachers who were not getting salary. Such teachers were kept in the name of grant. The grant was also stopped from 2016. It has been 8 to 10 years since the grant was stopped.

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