SHOCKING - Indian Americans More Prone to Heart Attacks

frame SHOCKING - Indian Americans More Prone to Heart Attacks

Indian Americans have a significantly greater risk of heart failure than other ethnic groups, such as African Americans and Hispanics, according to a recent research. Three thousand participants participated in this study conducted by Columbia university in New York. A basic method to aid in the prediction of heart failure among indian Americans was developed by the study using data from the Strong heart Study.

According to the study, this group has heart failure two to three times more frequently than other groups. The risk is increased by conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking, renal issues, previous heart attacks, and high blood sugar. Indian Americans suffer from a plethora of additional health problems in addition to heart failure, including depression, substance misuse, obesity, accidental accidents, suicide, adolescent pregnancy, liver disease, and hepatitis.

With the use of the researchers' tool, physicians may better grasp the dangers that Native Americans experience and devise strategies for preventing cardiac issues. heart disease and other health issues can be prevented by maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, getting adequate sleep, abstaining from alcohol and tobacco use, and other lifestyle choices. Naturally, it's a good idea to keep stress away from your heart!

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