Influencer Debora Peixoto, from Brazil, made waves online when she revealed her peculiar beauty routine, including using her excrement as a data-face mask. The 31-year-old Peixoto even shared a video on social media that shows her unusual beauty regimen, including how she applies excrement to her data-face. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Ms. Peixoto told Jam Press, "It's the craziest thing I've ever done." The influencer claimed she decided to try the fecal mask after reading online that it may "prevent aging." She had previously gained notoriety for using menstrual blood as a facial treatment. The over 658,000-follower Ms. Peixoto is shown opening a jar of her own excrement and using it as a typical mud mask on her data-face in the instagram video. She uses a clothespin to pinch her nose to control the stench, and she wears the mask for a few minutes before washing it off. As the film comes to a close, Peixoto flaunts her glowing skin.
"It has helped me, and my skin is no longer flaking!" Peixoto exclaimed, escalating the debate about her skincare regimen. Ms. Peixoto has once again sparked controversy since she married her considerably older cousin, which again made news the previous year. Medical professionals quickly criticized the unconventional cosmetic procedure, stating that there are significantly more health hazards than any advantages.
"This is one of the strangest skincare 'trends' I've ever come across," commented Dr. Sophie Momen, a consultant dermatologist at the London-based Cadogan Clinic. "There's no scientific proof that applying excrement as a data-face mask improves skin tone."
Dr. Momen continued, "Users of this non-traditional method may be at risk for skin irritation, food poisoning, and viral and bacterial infections."