Friday night was a blast for ananya Panday. The actress shocked her followers by posting a slew of photos to her instagram account. She wore a grey bodycon dress that flawlessly accentuated her curves for the "girls' night." The sultry dress has spaghetti straps. ananya captures attention with her understated cosmetics and modest accessories. She had her hair parted in the center of a neat high bun and carried a burgundy purse that went well with her ensemble.
Ananya's instagram carousel featured a photo of a drink topped with chili and her cute pet dog. She just used the phrase "girls' night" and the red chili emoji as her captions for the photos. At Anant Ambani and radhika Merchant's wedding last month, ananya Panday's exuberant party spirit was evident.
During the baraat, she stole the show with her vivacious dancing skills. ananya, Ranveer Singh, and hardik pandya were seen dancing to the song Aankh Marey from Ranveer Singh's Simmba in a widely shared Reddit video. Her vivid yellow lehenga with golden embroidery had us spellbound. The unique touch that was added to her blouse, "Anant's Brigade," was exactly what we all needed on the day that our loved ones were born.