An important Hindu holiday known as Rath yatra is mostly observed in the indian state of Odisha. The event is especially well-known for its connection to Lord Jagannath, who is seen as a manifestation of either krishna or Vishnu. Thousands of worshippers assemble every year to draw the chariots bearing the images of Jagannath and his siblings Subhadra and Balabhadra.
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Many social media users were shocked to see that Pakistani Hindus also conduct Rath Yatras in the country with a majority of Muslims, despite the fame of the Rath yatra in Puri. A number of videos from the yatra were posted by an instagram user going by the handle Vikash. They include a crowd of worshippers singing bhajans and dragging a beautifully painted chariot. Amidst the yatra, one can witness Pakistani flags flapping in the breeze, while pilgrims were given cold water bottles.
The Rath yatra program was reportedly organized in Karachi, Pakistan's biggest metropolis and the capital of Sindh, according to the instagram Reels. Millions of people have seen the films and left hundreds of comments—many of them expressing astonishment that there are Hindus in Pakistan—after they went viral all over.