Shot of Donald Trump was captured on camera...

S Venkateshwari
Shot of donald trump was captured on camera...

Donald trump, the former US president, was hurried off stage on saturday following a succession of loud booms that appeared to be gunshots at the opening of a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. trump lifted a fist to the audience in defiance as US Secret service personnel flocked onto the podium, surrounded the Republican candidate, and roughed him off the stage as the bangs ran out. In a post on X, the Secret service declared, "The former president is safe." According to his campaign, he was "fine" and was checked out at a hospital.

"President trump expresses gratitude to law enforcement and first responders for their swift action during this horrifying incident. He is doing well under examination at a local medical facility. More information would be provided later, a representative named Steven Cheung stated in a statement. Shortly after trump finished speaking at his last campaign event before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee the next week, the incident occurred. The startling occurrence will increase worry in a nation already worried about the possibility of unrest leading up to trump and President Joe Biden's november election contest. There were booms, yells, and screaming as the Butler, pennsylvania gathering deteriorated into anarchy.

As security personnel assisted trump in getting back up on his feet, he was overheard saying, "Let me get my shoes." Later, as the 78-year-old tycoon raised his fist to the audience once more, they hauled him into an SUV. Reporters were urged to leave the area by Secret service agents, who described the scene as an active crime scene. "Horrified by what happened at the trump rally in pennsylvania and relieved that former President trump is safe," stated Democratic Senate Majority leader Charles Schumer. He went on, "Political violence has no place in our country." "Tonight, all Americans are grateful that President trump appears to be fine after despicable attack on a peaceful rally," said Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell. Our politics are not the place for violence.”

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