Jagan Mohan Reddy Mindset Exposed..!

After locking himself in tadepalli Palace while in government, jagan MOHAN REDDY' target='_blank' title='ys jagan mohan reddy-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">ys jagan mohan reddy is currently reaching out to press conferences in an attempt to salvage leaders. He saw Pinnelli Ramakrishna, the former macherla MLA, at nellore Central Jail earlier yesterday. As was to be anticipated, jagan Mohan reddy stood up for Pinnelli when he was shown on camera damaging an EVM.
For the first time, jagan mentioned the ysr Congress' defeat, but he did so in a somewhat lighthearted manner. "Chandrababu ought to consider the reasons behind his election to office. People's anti-incumbency did not cause us to lose. Even after helping the victims, we still lost. Around 10% of the electorate voted for Chandrababu because they were misled by his promises, and as a result, we lost, according to Jagan.
This analysis of the loss, which reveals jagan Mohan Reddy's worldview, is startling. From one angle, it is evident that jagan did not reflect on his embarrassing loss and took no lessons from it. He was indifferent, obsessed with the idea that they had done nothing wrong. He says there is no need for a review or retrospective because the congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='ysr congress-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">ysr congress lost 151 seats to 11 seats, but he does advise Chandrababu to consider why people supported him. This mentality and way of thinking are only characteristic of the highest degree of narcissism. The congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='ysr congress-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">ysr congress leaders are concerned about Jagan's mindset and believe he won't learn from his blunders.


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