Demand for Special status crushed in the political struggle..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Demand for Special status crushed in the political struggle..!?
- The bjp government has a strong majority at the center.
- manmohan said ten years is a special status for ap and did not include it in the law.
- A special status of ap which is caught in the political maelstrom.
There is now some discussion in ap regarding special status. ap Chief of congress Party YS sharmila has been repeatedly asking about this issue. She wants the tdp and Janasena, which are supporting the Centre, to demand special status. Also, in the past during the 2019 elections, the then chief minister jagan also said that if 25 MPs were given to him, he would bend the necks of the Center and bring special status. But, not brought. He said that the bjp government has a strong majority at the center and that is why it was not possible. It was the bjp that actually mentioned this matter in the parliament before the state bifurcation in 2014. The then member of the Rajya Sabha, the current former Vice President venkaiah naidu, talking about the special status demanded to give special status for ten years. Till then they forgot that there is a special status for anyone. Also, congress leaders have also given up on Venkaiah's demand. With this, the then prime minister manmohan Singh, in the Rajya Sabha, said that he would give special status to AP.
However, this could not be included in the Partition Act. As a result, ap has lost the opportunity to get special status under the law. In fact, it is known that the later Modi government did not implement the provisions mentioned in the separate state bifurcation act. However, if special status had been included in the law, the demand would have been different, say political pundits. Due to the growing doubts, the opportunity to discuss the partition law in depth was lost.
Chandrababu who came to power in ap in 2014. After 2017 he made a pact with the Modi government at the Centre. In the matter of special status before this, he was the one who approached the elders of the center. Later, with the aggression of the opposition YCP, he received the song of special status once again. He protested with his MPs at the center as well. But, the result is not available. After that, jagan who came said that he would bring the status. He too did not move forward with a strong strategy. So no matter how you look at it, the status of ap in the midst of the political maelstrom is still shaking.

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