Hyderabad Police crackdown on overcrowded vehicles ferrying schoolkids

Hyderabad traffic police launched a special campaign against jam-packed cars as kids head back to school. Authorities said that on Thursday, june 27, 95 automobiles were the subject of cases for floating rules.
Special squads of the hyderabad traffic police have been established to carry out targeted drives with an emphasis on traffic infractions by cars transporting schoolchildren. These drives will occur on the following days: in the mornings, from 7:30 to 9:30, and in the evenings, from 3:00 to 5:00.
Overloading (defined as carrying more than six children aged 12 and under in 3-passenger autorickshaws or eight children in 4-passenger autos) and minor driving are the main areas of focus, as are autorickshaws operating without fitness certificates or driving licenses.

These teams are also planned to meet with the administration of the school and provide guidance to parents who ride two-wheelers with many children. Their goal is to teach parents the right and wrong ways to ensure the protection and safety of their children.
They also exhorted the general public to "avoid sending their kids in a car that can't fit everyone in its seats. It is obviously against the law to transport children in an overcrowded car. Additionally, we ask that before using a vehicle to transport children to school, parents and school administration verify the legitimacy of papers such as driver's licenses, registration certificates, insurance certificates, and fitness certifications.

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