Telangana Hyderabad - Plainclothes police team nabs mobile phone snatchers

When one of the snatchers tried to take a policeman's phone, a squad of plainclothes officers sent to catch the thiefs struck gold—literally. The accused kidnapper's accomplices attacked the shocked police crew as they struggled with him. One of the police officers delivered a warning shot into the air during the ongoing altercation on friday night, which caused the accused cell phone snatchers to be subdued and put into prison. The intriguing incidence happened on friday night in Chilkalguda.
The special police squad was dispatched to secunderabad after receiving reports of a group of cell phone snatchers operating there. They were dressed in ordinary clothing and carrying short weapons like revolvers and pistols.
Four people arrived on two motorbikes, according to a senior police official, and tried to take a police officer's cell phone. "In self-defense, one of the constables fired a shot into the air, and the four members of the gang turned themselves in. They were detained and interrogated," he said.
Supervisory officials in the city police have sent out special squads equipped with short weapons due to an increase in murder and property crime events.

at a another instance, a senior hyderabad police officer is claimed to have fired a handgun cartridge once into the air at Asifnagar. The event occurred on friday night as many police stations in Hyderabad's southwest were being inspected in light of recent murder cases that had been reported in the region.
According to reports, the official seized a police officer's firearm and fired a shot into the air to assess its effectiveness.

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