More violence in Manipur: Moreh school burned down...

S Venkateshwari
More violence in Manipur: Moreh school burned down...

Unknown assailants set fire to a school building at T Motha near Moreh, a data-border town in Manipur, on Wednesday. In Kalinagar, Jiribam district, abandoned houses and shops were set on fire as well. The state has been experiencing a new wave of violence since last week following the discovery of a missing person's beheaded body on june 6, which sparked new unrest and forced over 1,000 people to flee to safer locations in assam and other parts of the Jiribam area. Those with knowledge of the situation claim that unknown attackers set fire to the recently built jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya building outside Moreh town on wednesday night at around nine o'clock in the evening. The facility has not yet been officially opened.

One of Manipur's main commercial centers, Moreh, has been closed since the violence that broke out in the Churachandpur area on May 3, 2023. The residents said that Jawans of the Border Security Force (BSF) intended to set up a post at the recently built JNV facility in T Motha, a village primarily populated by the Anāl population. The settlement is just across from a post of the assam Rifles. For many years, the data-border town of Moreh town between india and Myanmar has been a popular destination for illegal infiltrators. There are reports that numerous armed groups from Myanmar are billeted in and around the town of Moreh, specifically in Sahei, Haolenphai, T Minou, Govajang, B Bongjang, and other areas.

After the arson incident, locals in the vicinity used logs to block the roads going to JNV, T Motha, preventing the security personnel from getting there. Nevertheless, rather than doing what was required to put out the fire, the 5th assam Rifles station, which is situated directly across from the school, did nothing but watch silently. In addition, on wednesday night, three homes and one store in Kalinagar, Jiribam district, Manipur, were set on fire. The police claimed that the owner of the shop was a Hmar community member.  According to the police, the event happened at around 10:30 p.m., and the fire was put out quickly by the district police. Later, on thursday at around 1:30 am, three abandoned homes in the same neighborhood were set on fire by unidentified perpetrators; however, the fire was quickly put out.

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