Hyderabad’s Dating Scam - A Nightmare

Watch out for a troubling trend that is emerging in Hyderabad: a dating scam that is alarmingly sucking in gullible males. The fact that this is not an isolated incidence but rather a trend forming from several victims is alarming. This is how it works: guys who are looking for love matches with women on well-known dating applications like Tinder or Bumble. The talk goes easily, and before they realise it, they're getting together at a nearby club.
The woman, who frequently presents herself as a cosmetics artist who recently moved to the city, makes a strong case for why she needs company in her new environment. But what comes next is an expensive trap. Without looking at the menu, she chooses the priciest beverages at the club, shocking the men when the bill comes in—it might range from 20,000 to 40,000 rupees. They are shocked when she says she won't pay a dime of the outrageous bill.
 The fact that this is not an isolated instance raises even greater concerns. Several victims have come forward to relate identical stories of being tricked at the same club by the same woman. It goes beyond just males defrauding other men on the internet. These are actual ladies who prey on gullible males on a daily basis with impunity and confidence.
One thing is certain: they are making a career by abusing people's confidence. It is unknown why they are doing this deception or how it would benefit them. Therefore, use cautious if you're dating in Hyderabad. Avoid falling for this sophisticated con that preys on idealistic romantics, leaving them with unmet expectations and large costs.


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