Anti-Tobacco Day : Breathe Free, Say No to Tobacco!

S Venkateshwari
Anti-Tobacco Day : Breathe Free, Say No to Tobacco!

The World health Organization (WHO) organizes Anti-Tobacco Day, also known as World No Tobacco Day, as a worldwide campaign to promote effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption and to increase public awareness of the negative effects of tobacco use. The purpose of the day is to raise public awareness of the health dangers connected with tobacco use, including smoking and smokeless tobacco products. It also serves to emphadata-size the need to quit tobacco use and to motivate individuals, groups, and governments to take action against it.

Anti-Tobacco Day strives to discourage smokers from continuing their habit and to raise awareness of the terrible effects that tobacco use has on people, families, and communities. Anti-Tobacco Day contributes significantly to lowering the burden of tobacco-related diseases and fostering a healthy society by advocating tobacco control policies and increasing public awareness of them.

Date: Established by WHO Member States in 1987 to raise awareness of the tobacco pandemic and the avoidable deaths and diseases it causes, World No Tobacco Day is observed globally on May 31 of each year.

The World health Assembly established Resolution WHA40.38 in 1987, designating april 7, 1988, as "a world no-smoking day." This resolution has historical significance. Resolution WHA42.19, which was passed in 1988, mandates that May 31 be observed annually as World No Tobacco Day.

This annual event attempts to bring attention to the risks associated with tobacco use, the business practices of tobacco companies, the efforts being made by the WHO to combat the tobacco epidemic, and the actions that individuals worldwide can take to safeguard future generations and assert their right to health and well-being. people can help the cause by promising to give up smoking, endorsing laws governing tobacco use, and educating their friends, family, and community about the negative effects of tobacco use.

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