Tollywood Heroes Shocked the Heroine

The dynamics of the industry are known to everybody. Rare are the personal ties and friendships that are centered around professional cooperation and compensation. Actors frequently claim to have close connections in interviews, but this is not always the case in real life.
An actress attempted to open a new company in hyderabad recently. This was not her first foray into entrepreneurship; in her heyday as a top actress, she had started a few businesses. Though her connections still exist, her opportunities in the spotlight have dwindled with time.

She used her connections to get Tollywood's biggest stars to participate in the launch of her new business.
These were some of the biggest names in the business, not just supporting roles. They returned her calls right away but turned down her invitation, each giving a different explanation.
A celebrity mentioned the current election campaign, another the possibility of exposing his appearance in a future movie, and a third said he was avoiding public appearances because his father had advised him to do so to stay out of political controversy.
Every celebrity had a different justification, so the actress decided not to get in touch with any more people in the business.
The simple conclusion is that no one gives a damn about your requirements beyond your prime.

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