Telangana - Voters Names Went Missing in Electoral Rolls

When they went to cast their ballots and discovered that their names were absent from the electoral records, several persons around the state found themselves in an odd situation. In certain areas, this resulted in anarchy. nampally resident Prakash Singh lamented not being able to locate his name on the records, saying, "I've been a permanent resident here. For the past fifteen years, I have cast my ballot. I'm frustrated about this and think my voice isn't being heard.

Zafar Khan verified his identity online, but when he arrived at a polling station for the secunderabad assembly segment, he found that it was not on the electoral roll. Last night, I looked up my name and serial number on the ECI website. I feel disenfranchised right now. All of my family members' names were there, but mine wasn't," he bemoaned. people argued with Sakkubai Memorial school poll workers in Shaikpet, claiming that their names had been removed. Nevertheless, the authorities and poll workers managed to stabilize the situation.
 Strangely, a large number of people who voted in the assembly elections five months ago were unable to locate their names. There were a few brief disagreements on the topic in the polling booths. His wife's name was removed from the voter rolls on X, according to a user's post. "Her vote was deleted without any notification and the local election commission is not offering any assistance for her to cast her vote today (sic)," he said on social media.
 According to social activist S.Q. Masood, his family's ten names—among them, his own—were removed from the voter lists. In April, almost 1.67 lakh people were removed from the voter records. The listings no longer contain the names of those who are deceased, have moved, or have duplicate entries. However, the most recent instance has called into doubt the efficacy of voter purging procedures.

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