Ramdev's new apology bigger than before after Supreme Court knock

On Wednesday, several publications carried a new apology from yoga master Ramdev and his assistant Balkrishna for deceptive advertising of Patanjali's medical goods. The apology was more substantial this time around since the supreme court had chastised the couple for not "prominently" showing it before.
In the commercial, Patanjali and Ramdev expressed their "unconditional apologies" for "the non-compliance or disobedience of directions/orders of the supreme court of India" in their individual and collective capacities. The statement said, "We sincerely apologise for the error we made in publishing our advertisements and we promise that mistakes like this won't happen again."

In the course of Tuesday's contempt hearing over the misleading marketing issue, the supreme court had inquired as to whether Patanjali's newspaper apology was comparable in scope to full-page product adverts.
Ramdev and Balkrishna informed a panel of Justices Hima kohli and Ahsanuddin Amanullah that they were prepared to release further advertising expressing their remorse after issuing an unconditional public apology for misleading advertisements in as many as 67 publications. They said that the cost of the ads was Rs 10 lakh.

A week later, right before the supreme court hearing, the court questioned why the apology had been filed. "Is the apology the same data-size as your advertisements?" stated Justice Kohli.
Additionally, the court mandated that Patanjali compile the advertisements and provide them to the judge.
"Avoid making them larger and giving them to us. We would like to see the true dimensions and confirmation that publishing an advertisement does not need us to view it with a microscope. It is intended to be read aloud rather than just written down," the court added.

Before that, during the Covid-19 epidemic, Ramdev and Balkrishna had submitted a "unconditional and unqualified apology" to the supreme court about advertising the company had released that made exaggerated claims about the therapeutic benefits of its drugs, such as Coronil.

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