World Earth Day - Save Earth Save Life!!!

S Venkateshwari
World Earth Day - Save Earth Save Life!!!

Every year, people all throughout the world commemorate Earth Day to show support for environmental conservation. Earth Day serves as a global reminder to people of the value of environmental sustainability and conservation, inspiring action on behalf of a healthier planet and a better future. The day promotes a strong bond with nature and increases awareness while spurring action.

Date and Theme of World Earth Day 2024: april 22 is designated as the annual World Earth Day. It falls on a monday this year. World Earth Day 2024 will have Planet vs. Plastics as its theme. The subject seeks to raise awareness of the grave problem of plastic pollution and its detrimental effects on the environment. In order to promote planetary health on Earth Day 2024, EARTHDAY.ORG calls for a 60% decrease in plastic output by 2040.

World Earth Day 2024: Importance

Earth Day's inception dates back to 1970. senator Gaylord Nelson of the united states and Harvard student Denis Hayes came up with the concept for the event. Both the enormous oil spill in Santa Barbara, california in january 1969 and the United States' declining environmental conditions severely troubled them. He was very troubled by the effects on the environment and wished to channel the vigor of student demonstrations into the growing public awareness of air and water pollution. In order to organize the university teach-ins and spread awareness of environmental conservation, he enlisted the help of young activist Denis Hayes. In an effort to boost student involvement, they selected april 22 as the wednesday in between Spring Break and Final Examinations. Its initial success was demonstrated by the 20 million people who participated nationwide.

Earth Day expanded internationally and crossed national boundaries by 1990. The day is important because it causes us to reframe our thoughts and realize that we are inextricably linked to nature rather than existing apart from it. It inspires people to adopt tiny lifestyle adjustments in order to support environmental causes and build a more sustainable future.

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