Samantha - "Feel Guilty and I've Changed.."

With her autoimmune illness, instability in her personal life, and resultant acting hiatus, samantha has been through a lot lately. The actress just launched a podcast focused on health and has shared some fascinating information. "I used to believe that I was leading a healthy life, eating well, exercising, and everything. 

However, I was unaware that what I was doing was unhealthy and would worsen my condition. I feel bad for being among the people who believe that since they lead healthy lives, nothing bad could ever happen to them. It was difficult for me to accept that I had an autoimmune condition and that my body was reacting to a trigger, but I overcame it and today I'm a different person, samantha said.

Sam continued, saying that leading a stress-free life is perhaps the most crucial aspect of being healthy. Most negative physical and psychological outcomes are mostly caused by stress. The actress went on to say that those who want to live a healthy lifestyle may benefit greatly by getting enough sleep, drinking filtered water, eating fresh food, and practicing proper hygiene. samantha is now taking an indefinite sabbatical from performing, but if the proper screenplay comes along, she hopes to go back into the business.

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