Can BRS Be Reduced To TDP Size In Telangana?

After the creation of the state, BRS suffered its first election setback. The group appeared to be unbeatable at one point but was quickly brought to defeat for a variety of reasons. Suddenly, the party looks weak and in trouble. After the loss, kcr did not even meet with the governor to resign or data-face the media. There were questions about whether he would attend the assembly and sit on the Opposition side. kcr degraded revanth reddy to the greatest extent possible. He was detained in his bedroom after breaching the doors and had to ask for a 12-hour bail to attend his daughter's wedding.

BRS pioneers driven by ktr embarrassed revanth reddy by utilizing debasing words. It's time to exact revenge now. KCR's promise to merge trs with congress if telangana is granted has also upset the congress High Command. congress was left with nothing in ap and telangana for a very long time after giving the state. In addition, kcr merely attempted to weaken the party by capturing its MLAs. bjp will likewise be after kcr to pulverize the party with the goal that it could consume the Resistance space when of the next political race.

After the state was formed, some predicted that BRS would be reduced to the data-size of TDP. They justify this by pointing to the inherent issues posed by congress, bjp, and BRS leaders themselves. KCR's biggest mistake was that he kept core telangana people like Kodandaram out of the party and filled it with leaders of the tdp and Congress. These pioneers are not philosophically bound to the BRS. They came for power and may leave assuming they find power is somewhere else. Thus, mla poaching turns out to be simple.

However, destroying BRS is not as simple as many believe. In addition to having strong leadership, BRS has a strong ideological base. After kcr, ktr, Kavitha, and harish rao are major areas of strength for likewise with mass picture and speech abilities. During the Agitation in telangana, BRS has experienced even more difficulties. It will be even more challenging now because the top leaders will be irritated to suddenly be in opposition after ten years of absolute power. BRS will undoubtedly data-face challenges over the next five years, but it will be difficult to reduce it to a position of the tdp in Telangana.

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