Japan's space agency hit with cyberattack this summer - Report

This summer, Japan's space agency was targeted by a cyberattack, and critical information on space-related technology may have been compromised, according to the Kyodo news agency. According to Kyodo, the police became aware of the attack this autumn and contacted the japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The event was initially reported in the Yomiuri newspaper.
When contacted by Reuters, a JAXA spokeswoman could not be reached immediately for comment. According to Kyodo, the Japanese space agency was unaware of the cyberattack until informed by the police.
According to the minister of State for Science and technology, Atomic Energy, and Space (Independent Charge), certain foreign agencies, such as the AKD, project that this sum might rise to $100 billion by 2040. "At the moment, our space economy is not very impressive, with only about $8 million." However, we are making quantum leaps, and in the foreign satellite launch alone, we have earned around EUR 230-240 million for launching european satellites and approximately $170-180 million for launching American satellites," Singh stated. He was speaking to PTI after kicking off the 60th anniversary of ISRO's rocket launch here on Saturday. Stay tuned for more updates.

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