Celebrities alarmed by deepfakes: What is deepfake?

S Venkateshwari
Celebrities alarmed by deepfakes: What is deepfake?

Deepfakes have once again come to India's attention because to the viral video starring bollywood actress rashmika Mandanna. Among the numerous celebrities demanding a strict regulation on this is amitabh Bachchan. rashmika mandanna has also expressed her wish for tight regulations on this matter. rashmika claims in a post that everyone in the community has to be informed of this.

Deepfakes have already made a number of well-known people's problems worse worldwide. Among these are the names of former US President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and former US President Barack Obama. Numerous regions of india have also reported cases of deepfake cyber fraud. Tell us in this story what kind of legislation can be developed respecting deepfakes in such a situation.

Can you explain what deepfake is in layman's terms?

Deepfake is a wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">digital technique wherein an individual's image, voice, or video is edited and shared. Since the development of artificial intelligence, this technology has been featured in the news even more. As a subfield of computer science, artificial intelligence is entirely dependent on computing infrastructure.

A study claims that the deepfake technique uses deep learning, a type of artificial intelligence, to make fictitious events seem real. Another term for deepfake in current usage is wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">digital fraud. Similar profiles are also being created on websites like google and Linkedin through the use of deepfakes. In addition to global celebrities, deepfakes are also directed towards some well-known social media users.

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