Singer S. Janaki's birthday today..! 10 surprising facts..!

frame Singer S. Janaki's birthday today..! 10 surprising facts..!

Sowmiya Sriram
Singer S. Janaki's birthday today..! 10 surprising facts..!
Today, on the 85th birthday of famous playback singer S. Janaki, here are 10 surprising facts about her. singer S. Janaki was constantly scolded by her parents for not being interested in studies since childhood. After that, they told her to decide on her own career as she failed to study after many times. Knowing that the singer was more interested in music than studies, her father Ramamurthy sent Janaki to learn music from a Nathaswara Vidwan named Baidiswamy who lived in her town. Baidiswamy, who was amazed, praised that you don't need to teach Sangeet, and sent her away in 7 months.
Her maternal uncle chandrasekhar sent singer Janaki to chennai who won the second prize in a singing competition organized by All india Radio. Janaki, who came to chennai with her family at the age of 20, worked as a chorus singer. Janaki made her debut as a singer in the 1957 film Vidhiin Vizhaiyaatu. In the same year, she sang more than a hundred songs in 6 languages. Janaki is credited with singing many hit songs in ilayaraja music.
When singer Janaki was at the height of her fame in the 1980s, she amazed the film industry by singing more than 15 songs in a single day. Janaki, who emerged as a leading singer in Tamil, is the first South indian singer to sing more songs in Hindi. singer Janaki is a believer in God. An ardent devotee of Krishna, he was averse to luxury. She does not wear any jewelry. She also had an asthma problem. Even though this often causes shortness of breath, despite all this she completes the work given to her on time.

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