Origin Of Character Assassinations In AP

frame Origin Of Character Assassinations In AP

tdp has only survived for all these years because of the data-aligned media's portrayal of it as the sole party capable of saving the country. The owners of the media organisations were compensated handsomely in exchange. They were effective indoctrinating the populace for a considerable amount of time with their slanted journalism. The yellow media persisted in reporting that Nedurumalli Janardana reddy amassed a sizable fortune under the guise of engineering institutions, and marri chenna reddy was compromised. Being a factionist, YS Rajasekhar reddy drank the blood. Additionally, YS jagan is a maniac who ate Rs 1 lakh crore.

Yellow media's sole goal is to damage the reputations of any potential rivals. Until Web/Digital media emerged, ap journalism was only one-sided. Even after that, sharmila was involved in a damaging rumour and attempted character assassination by the yellow media. Up until 2019, jagan MOHAN REDDY' target='_blank' title='ys jagan mohan reddy-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">ys jagan mohan reddy endured everything. He ascended to power and extinguished the MPTC and ZPTC in nearly every region of the state.

The tdp factions have experienced an identity crisis as a result, and character assassination has intensified. The YSRCP groups as a result also lost control and shot their counterparts. This serves as Kodali Nani's entire context for being angry. However, the yellow media is attempting to paint a picture that the YSRCP is where it all began. Character assassinations in ap politics have their roots in tdp and its yellow media.

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