Why Imran Khan never said the conspiracy charges on 24th itself?

frame Why Imran Khan never said the conspiracy charges on 24th itself?

"When the no-confidence motion was introduced in parliament, prime minister imran khan, who alleges there was a foreign conspiracy involved, did not say anything when he learned about it?" Shebaz Sharif, Pakistan's opposition leader, has raised concerns. The opposition in pakistan has voted a motion of no confidence in prime minister Imran Khan. The country's deputy speaker rejected the vote of no-confidence, claiming it was unconstitutional, as the debate on the resolution was set to take place in the country's parliament on Sunday. imran khan told the public that he has written a letter to the President requesting that parliament be dissolved and that parliamentary elections be held soon in Pakistan.

In this context, Shebaz Sharif, the country's opposition leader, has refuted Imran Khan's claim that the no-confidence motion moved against him in parliament was the result of a foreign conspiracy. "If imran khan and his party were opposed to the no-confidence motion, why did he not raise it in parliament on march 24?" he said. They have spoken of a foreign conspiracy because they have been unable to meet the loss that was expected to happen under the Constitution. On Sunday, imran khan and his party broke the Constitution. On march 8, a motion of no confidence was introduced in Parliament. If the news came from the US on march 7, as claimed, why did imran khan and his party not bring it up in Parliament?

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