North Korea test Fires One Ballistic Missile into Sea

S Venkateshwari
North Korea has launched yet another missile test. south korea and Japan, both neighbours, have corroborated this. In response to the test, the South Korean coalition's head said, "North Korea has the potential to fire a missile from a submarine, as it did previously. north korea is currently putting it to the test. "With US forces, we are attentively observing North Korea's missile test," he said."

Despite the end of the Korean War, south korea has asked for peace negotiations because relations between the two countries have not improved. However, international political experts believe that such missile tests could stymie negotiations. north korea has fired two missiles, according to Japan's new Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida. This has been opposed by several nations including Russia, the USA.

North Korean President Kim Jong Un recently discussed missile testing. Kim remarked, speaking at the Defense Development Exhibition, "We're going to create an army that no country would be able to defeat. north korea wishes to strengthen its military. I do not want to go to war. We must be courageous. The military threats that our country is confronting are not the same as they were three years ago."

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