Beauty benefits of Oranges for your Skin


Orange juice works effectively for shrinking the open pores.  Just apply the juice of an orange on your data-face and let it stay for 2-3 minutes and wash off immediately. This helps in closing the enlarged pores and giving a shining glow to your data-face. In peak summers, sun rays are the worst enemy for your skin. Just rub half an orange on your data-face for few minutes. It will tone and refresh your skin in a jiffy.

Orange is rich in citric acid, which is very helpful in drying away acne. Oranges contain fruit acids that gently exfoliate your skin to reveal a brighter skin every day. Just mash the grated orange peels to apply on your acne and its scars. If followed regularly, you will see visible reduction in the pimples and its marks.

Apply orange peel powder either mixed with milk or curd on your data-face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash off. Use this home remedy daily to bleach your data-face naturally. Take out the juice of 2 oranges and put it in ice cubes tray. Then rub the frozen orange cubes on your data-face to spruce up and brighten your dull and lackluster data-face. This refines your pores and reduces the oiliness of data-face to control acne. It is one of the most important benefits of applying oranges on the data-face.

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