Private island available at cheaper price than flat


The private island is available here at a cheaper price than the flat, know the price and facilities

If you want to buy Private Island, then here we are telling you about such an island that you can buy at a very cheap price.

A place where you can get away from the noise of the city and find yourself surrounded by nature. Today we will tell you about one such island (Cheapest Island) which is not only amazing but also very economical. The island, called Iguana Island, is located in Central America and is surrounded by sea in the lap of pristine nature.

Iguana Island is spread over five acres of land. Which includes a house and other necessary facilities. In addition, additional accommodation for the staff has been built on the other side of the island. This island was developed by an American developer using state-of-the-art technology.

The clear blue-green water surrounding the island adds to its natural beauty and makes it an ideal place to watch the sunrise and sunset. Without access to WiFi, phone, or tv signals, the island is completely disconnected from the rest of the world, according to the Islands Inc website. That means there will be complete peace.

Currently, plans are underway to build a swimming pool and helipad on the island. 

the island is 376,627 pounds i.e. around 3.76 crores. This price is less than the cost of a flat in major indian cities like delhi or Mumbai. If you are looking for a beautiful and reasonably priced island, then you can consider buying Iguana Island.

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