Tunisia Goal Keeper 'Fakes' his injury so that he can break 'Ramzan' Fast

Tunisia's Goalie Mouez Hassen went down in the second half of Tunisia’s World Cup warm-up games against both Portugal, Turkey coinciding with the sunset. He often goes down in the second half coinciding with the sunset as that is when the Ramzan fasting ends.

On both the occasions, his 'made up injury' allowed his teammates to rush to the sidelines to eat dates and drink water. When they played first against Portugal, he went down in the 58th minute with an 'injury' and in the next match against turkey he was seen with an injury in the 49th minute allowing his teammates to leave the pitch for food and water.

Both the matches ended in 2-2. The Tunisian sports reporters found out that both the injuries coincided with the sunset. Since this was exposed he has been constantly teased on Twitter which even includes his fellow footballer Chaker Alhadhur.

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