World Embryologist Day - Know about IVF...

S Venkateshwari
World Embryologist Day - Know about IVF...

There is a lot of trend in IVF nowadays, but even today most people are not able to accept it with an open mind or are hesitant to talk about it. women who have problems related to fertility can have a child through this procedure. This process is done in the lab with the help of medicines. Let us know about it in detail and also discuss how safe this process is.

What is IVF?

IVF means In Vitro Fertilization, fertility is increased in the woman with the help of medicines, after which the ovum is removed with the help of surgery and it is sent to the lab. From this process, information about the symptoms of pregnancy through IVF can be found. In the lab, the sperm of the man and the ovum of the woman are fertilized by mixing them together. After being kept in the lab for 3-4 days, the fertilized embryo is implanted in the woman's womb after an examination.

According to experts, this process of IVF takes 2 to 3 weeks. 2 weeks after the implantation of the embryo in the uterus, a pregnancy test checks the woman's pregnancy.

During your IVF, many changes are seen in your body. Here are some symptoms of pregnancy

Not having periods

Having a headache

Vomiting problem

Feeling tired

Breast changes

Thirst and hunger

Having mood swings

What is the situation in India?

These figures are very shocking on the day of World IVF Day. There are 27.5 million people suffering from infertility in India. According to a report in the year 2018, 27.5 million people are victims of infertility in India. 

The government of india had fixed the maximum cumulative age of IVF at 100 years, which means that the sum of the age of husband and wife should not be more than 100 years.

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