3rd Indian woman to go to space..! Opportunity for Kerala girl..!

frame 3rd Indian woman to go to space..! Opportunity for Kerala girl..!

Sowmiya Sriram
3rd indian woman to go to space..! Opportunity for kerala girl..!
To work in nasa is a dream of not only indians but space explorers in many countries of the world. In that way, a young woman from india has got an opportunity to work at NASA. She will soon become the third indian woman to go to space after India's Kalpana Chawla and Sunita Williams. Athira Preetha rani from kerala was interested in becoming an astronaut when she was in school. She attended classes related to astronomy in the kerala capital, Thiruvananthapuram. Her knowledge of space was expanding day by day.
Athira Preetha Rani, who worked while studying and was not a burden to her family, joined the college in Ottawa, canada at a young age. Athira, who had another dream of becoming a pilot, saved money for her aerospace studies when she heard that there was no need to join the air Force if she wanted to become a pilot.
Athira got married when she completed her aerospace studies with good grades. Her husband was also supportive of Athira's space dream. Thus Athira's dream of space exploration continued to grow.At this point, Athira, who started a company called Exo Geo Aerospace with her husband, researched various astronaut training programs.
 It was then that he came to know about the astronaut training program run by the international Space Science Agency. As this training program was conducted by nasa, he joined the training program and went through various stages and now he got the opportunity to work at NASA.It is worth noting that Athira is currently one of the people in the nasa experiment to protect the astronauts on the moon.
It is noteworthy that Athira will go into space after completing the appropriate training and will become the third indian woman to go into space after India's Kalpana Chawla and Sunita Williams.

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