US Woman Seeks Safe City in India for Remote Work and Hobbies

Balasahana Suresh
US Woman Seeks Safe City in india for Remote Work and Hobbies
A 24-year-old woman from the US is preparing to move to india for a year and sought advice on which city would be best for her. Taking to Reddit, the woman, who will be working remotely, asked for recommendations on safe locations, expressing a desire to have a stable base while exploring various parts of the country. She mentioned her interests in archery, acro yoga, martial arts, Pilates, indoor rock climbing, hiking, camping, swimming, and other outdoor activities.
In her post, the woman compared mumbai and goa, noting that mumbai is a vibrant, bustling city known for its constant activity and respectful locals, while goa is more relaxed, green, and heavily frequented by tourists. She expressed a preference for Goa’s housing but was open to opinions on daily life in both cities.
The Reddit community offered a range of suggestions. Some recommended splitting her time between mumbai and goa to experience both lifestyles before making a final decision. One user suggested mumbai for its extensive range of activities, stating, “Bombay is the city for you. It has everything activity-wise.” Another pointed out the contrasting lifestyles, with mumbai being fast-paced and goa offering a slower, more laid-back environment, commenting, “It completely depends on the kind of life you choose to live.”
A third user advised considering professional opportunities and work communities, noting that mumbai might offer more in terms of career networking, while goa is typically viewed as a place to unwind.

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