Divorce Photoshoot is the New Trend

frame Divorce Photoshoot is the New Trend

Shalini, who once said, "I have 99 problems but a husband ain't one," refused to be stereotyped as a submissive widow when she opted to divorce her husband. Instead, the strong single mother made the decision to write her own fate and posed with a bottle of alcohol and a board that was scrawled with the snarky remark mentioned earlier.
The post, which Iris Photography shared on Instagram, demonstrates how shalini flaunted her single status with the original divorce shoot. shalini can be seen in the photos wearing a red dress with a slit. She was seen flaunting her swag while torning up one of her wedding photos and displaying the letters "DIVORCE."

"A message from a divorced woman to those who feel powerless. It's acceptable to end a poor marriage because you deserve to be happy and should never settle for anything less. You should take charge of your lives and make the necessary adjustments to improve your future and that of your children. Divvying up is NOT a failure! You are at a turning point in your lives and can make improvements. To all my BRAVE women out there I dedicate this because it takes a lot of courage to leave a marriage and stand alone, according to the description of one of the posts shalini published on her Facebook.

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