Woww!!AI visualises political legends as rock stars..!!

S Venkateshwari
Woww!!AI visualises political legends as rock stars..!!


The world is being quickly overtaken by artificial intelligence (AI), which continues to astound people with the things it is capable of. netizens are learning on a daily basis how AI is capable of writing essays, producing excellent images, and much more.

Now, a photographer by the name of Jyo john Mulloor has published a collection of images that depict what world leaders might look like if they were rock stars. prime minister Narendra Modi, US Vice President Joe Biden, former German Chancellor angela Merkel, former US President Barack Obama, Kim Jong Un, and many more world leaders were made into rock stars by Mulloor using the Midjourney AI. 

Welcome to the World Leadership music Concert, a world where rock stars are transformed into famous people! Get a glimpse of bizarre images from a parallel universe where political luminaries perform in a powerful performance. Witness how this extraordinary event makes leaders into legends and how music breaks down barriers. The description said, Welcome to the World Leadership music Concert, a reality unlike anything you've ever experienced, read the description.

More than 30k people have liked and commented on the post. When the leaders appeared in a different avatar, many were shocked. Many people were taken aback by how lifelike the images were. Jyo john Mulloor has posted AI-generated images of historical figures from history as well as shots of historical monuments in the works.

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