During her promotional appearances for the upcoming film "Kisi Ka Bhai, Kisi Ki Jaan," famous actress pooja Hedge showed off her incredible sense of style. She was dressed in a feather-like denim garment that was covered in thread strands. She completed her outfit with knee-high boots, a messy hairstyle, modest makeup, and dramatic eyeliner.
In addition to "Kisi Ka Bhai, Kisi Ki Jaan," pooja will appear in Mahesh Babu's forthcoming movie "SSMB28." In the upcoming theatrical movie "Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan," actress pooja hegde plays a telugu girl. The actress revealed that during the salman Khan-starring movie's filming, she used improvisational speech because she had spent more than a decade working in the South indian film industry.
"Years of working in the South indian film industries have made me proficient with regard to improvising the lines of my character instantly on sets if the character speaks any of the South indian languages," the actress told IANS. "Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan" is one of those roles. Equal language knowledge is extremely helpful to an actor in capturing the spirit of a character from a particular background. On april 21, the day of Eid, the movie "Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan" is scheduled to be released in theatres.