Zombie virus that started showing work? Strange People..!

Sowmiya Sriram
Zombie virus that started showing work? Strange People..!
Last week, scientists announced that they had discovered a 48,500-year-old virus from beneath the great ice sheets in Russia. The virus, which has been hiding under the ice for all these years, is widely known as the 'zombie virus'. It has been reported that if it leaks out, it can cause a greater impact than Corona. Due to this, people all over the world were very scared. While still not fully recovered from the effects of Corona, they were worried about what kind of damage it would cause if a new zombie came out.

Now, to add to their fears, some videos have started sharing on the internet that the 'zombie' virus has started its work. In the Philadelphia region of the United States, some people are walking around the streets like zombies, which has caused a great shock. Many people are sharing the videos and expressing their fear after seeing them roaming the streets strangely.
 In one of those viral videos, a woman slowly walks with her mouth open. In another video, footage of a man standing still on the sidewalk is also causing panic among many. One person who shared the videos on twitter posted, "What's happening in America." Another continued, "Is this the attack of the zombie virus that was reported in the news last week" and, "Is this the first stage of the zombie virus?" Another had also posted.

While all these videos were allegedly recorded in the US, the zombie virus was reported to have been discovered in Russia. Questions also arose as to whether the zombie virus had begun to show its effects. In response, some people on the internet suggested that it was not a zombie virus, but a drug addiction. All the people appearing in the viral videos are drug addicts and their strange behavior is attributed to the terrible side effects of drugs. Whether the people in this video are suffering from a zombie virus or drug addiction, many are saying that the reality is that they need doctors right now.

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