ajith kumar is now working on his highly anticipated movie Thunivu. The film is being made under the supervision of H Vinoth, and production has been moving quickly. The most recent rumour indicates that ajith kumar has taped a promotional song for the movie as fans wait to see the drama on huge screens. The song, Kasedhaan Kadavulappa, features actress Manju Warrier, the movie's leading woman, as well.
The song was reportedly recorded in Chennai, and it is anticipated that the recording would be made available soon. Hip Hop Thamizha aadhi performed Kasedhaan Kadavulappa, a composition by Ghibran, the music director. ajith kumar has also started the Thunivu dubbing process. manju warrier offered a sneak peek from the dubbing session a few days ago on her instagram account. ajith kumar is pictured wearing headphones in front of the microphone.
Thunivu will also include Samuthirakani, Veera, john Kokken, Ajay, and Cibi Chandran in supporting roles in addition to ajith kumar and Manju Warrier. The movie is expected to hit theatres in january 2023, around Pongal. Reports indicated that ajith kumar would take part in the pre-release event for Thunivu, despite the fact that he rarely attends promotional events for his movies. To set the record straight, the actor took to twitter under the identity of his longtime friend and manager suresh Chandra. He wrote, "Unconditional love! A good picture is a promotion by itself! Ajith.”