Human consciousness comes from another world!!!

Human consciousness comes from another world!!!

Science has made immense progress. But even after this, there are some things on which science also fails. One such thing is human consciousness. No one knows anything about where consciousness comes from within a child in the womb of the mother and where it goes after death. However, recently the claims made by a scientist regarding the consciousness of living beings have intensified the discussion on this. Let's know what is the whole matter.

What is the whole matter?

Michael Pravica is a professor of physics at the university of Nevada, America, he has claimed that consciousness within living beings does not come only from the activities of the brain, but many dimensions of the universe can also be responsible for it. Michael Pravica claims that when a person's consciousness is at its peak, that is, when he is creating some art or practicing science or dreaming, then his consciousness crosses the physical dimension and gets connected to other dimensions of the universe.

What Pravicka's theory says?

Michael Pravicka's theory is basically based on hyperdimensionality. In simple terms, Pravicka's theory states that the universe has more dimensions than the four dimensions we experience. That is, the universe has more dimensions than height, length, width and time. He explains this concept using a hypothetical scenario involving a two-dimensional being. Pravica's theory states that just as two-dimensional beings cannot see three-dimensional shapes, we may be unable to recognize the hyperdimensionality that exists around us. He argues that moments of heightened awareness allow our consciousness to sync with these hidden dimensions, which leads to a peak in motivation within humans.

What other scientists say about this?

Michael Pravicka's theory has sparked a major debate within the scientific community. Some scientists, including stephen Holler, associate professor of physics at Fordham university, are skeptical of the theory, saying that Pravicka's theory data-borders on science fiction. He stresses that while we can mathematically manipulate hyper dimensions, this does not prove their existence or our ability to interact with them in any way.

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