Let us know how this initiative of Google will benefit the users and the company


Google started a registry of the meme domain, users will now be able to make their website the funniest

 In place of of.Com, .meme will be written at the end of Google's meme website. Let us know how this initiative of google will benefit the users and the company.


Google always keeps launching interesting things for users, now the company has launched a separate domain for the funniest meme, where you can register the funniest name on your website. Let us tell you that google has taken this step seeing the increasing craze of people towards memes. From now on, you will see .meme written instead of .com at the end of Google's meme website. Let us know how this initiative of google will benefit the users and the company.

This is the reason behind launching the meme domain

In the era of social media, the meme craze is at its peak among celebrities and common people. If you present any interesting thing about a common man in the format of a meme, it goes viral very quickly and then a flood of memes similar to it come on social media. Keeping all these things in mind, google has launched a separate .meme domain.

What will happen with memes?

This domain will also work in the same way as .com or .in works. The only difference is that on the websites that are registered in the name of the .meme domain, you will get all the content of memes. Also, from now on you will not have to waste energy in searching more to find memes. Let us tell you that till now there was no domain for the meme. For your information, let us tell you that Know Your Meme is one of the biggest names for the latest memes, while 10 PM Curfew is the most appropriate for fashion and lifestyle. Similarly, printable memes are available on real. meme. In such a situation, you will not have much problem in finding the meme of your choice.

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