India-Pakistan T20 match ticket..!? Minimum one lakh..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
India-Pakistan t20 match ticket..!? Minimum one lakh..!?
It has been more than a decade since the two teams played Tests. Even if there is a match between them for at least six months, it is difficult. Even if they are neighbors. They don't data-face each other directly except in ICC tournaments. But, that Both are top teams. Moreover, they are long-time rivals. What's more.. the match between them is not normal. It's happening right now. It is known that they are long-time rivals in cricket. These two teams used to play series in dubai earlier. Bilateral tournaments are also played. However, the situation changed completely after the mumbai attacks.
The central government has suspended permission for the series with Pakistan. With this, there is no talk of direct confrontation between india and Pakistan. The match between these two teams is in the tournaments organized by ICC. As a part of this, pakistan came to the ODI world cup organized by india in october last year. We played three matches in Hyderabad. They data-faced india in a league match in Ahmedabad. Again, both teams will data-face each other in the t20 world cup in America. The t20 world cup match between india and pakistan will be held in New York. The newly constructed New York cricket Stadium will host the match on june 9. How much is the ticket price? The starting price is only Rs.96 thousand. This price increases as the seat range increases. The cost of the most expensive premium ticket is Rs.43 lakhs. No cricket match in the world has ever cost so much. Moreover, it is noteworthy that this is more than what an average indian earns in ten years.

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