India's complex relationship with cricket betting.!

Sindujaa D N
Cricket in india transcends mere sport; it's a cultural phenomenon and a thriving business, often overshadowing even its popularity in England. Currently, with the IPL season in full swing, the buzz of betting activity, both online and offline, has reached a crescendo.

Is betting real in India? The answer is nuanced. While the Public Gaming Act of 1867 deems betting illegal, it also allows for betting on games of skill, such as cricket. Exploiting this loophole, numerous online cricket betting platforms operate under the guise of legality, citing cricket's status as a skill-based game.

The IPL, being a prime cricket event, garners significant attention from bettors. It's estimated that the value of legally operated online cricket betting in india amounts to around $500 million, approximately 40,000 crores in indian rupees. However, this pales in comparison to the staggering figures involved in offline betting, largely conducted outside the banking system.

Offline betting is rampant, with an estimated 15-20 crores of bettors in India. During events like the cricket World Cup and IPL, these numbers surge. The estimated value of illegal offline betting in india is a staggering $150 billion, approximately 12 lakh crore rupees.

The reach of betting extends from villages to metropolitans, with millions of bets placed even in rural areas. However, criticisms abound, particularly regarding the exploitation of youth. Many families suffer dire consequences, with youths falling into debt or resorting to illicit means to fuel their betting habits.

While small villages and towns witness a surge in betting activity, the situation in major cities like Visakhapatnam, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi, and ahmedabad is unimaginable to the common man. There's a clamour for heightened police vigilance and parental vigilance to curb the detrimental effects of rampant betting.

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