IPL 2022: Dispute about cheerleaders....
A few days are left for IPL 2022 to start and fans are also waiting eagerly. This time along with the match, people are also anxious to know whether there will be cheerleaders on the ground or not. The last time people on the ground saw cheerleaders cheering on their team was in 2019. Due to such presence on the field, everyone believed in a tinge of glamor in the game.
There was a dispute about cheerleadersWhen the IPL started in 2008, cheerleaders were also seen on the ground for the first time. It was heavily criticized by some and said that it was against the basic spirit of the game. However, the management and the governing body called it an entertaining aspect of the game. With IPL matches, it became common for people to have cheerleaders on the ground.
Was last seen on the ground in 2019They were last seen on the ground in the IPL in 2019. After this, due to the Covid epidemic in 2020-21, many restrictions were in force in IPL matches as well. Cheerleaders were also banned due to Covid restrictions. Cheerleaders will not be seen this year tooIn IPL this year also, cheerleaders will not be seen encouraging their team in view of the Covid restrictions. If the havoc of Corona ends, then maybe in 2023 the cheerleaders will see them again on the field.