Don't do this mistake while lighting the lamp..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Don't do this mistake while lighting the lamp..!?
If we avoid some mistakes while lighting the lamp to worship the Lord in our house, we will get good results. According to Hindu Shastra, lighting the lamp before every ritual is an important part. After the pujas, it is customary to offer aarti to the Lord. It is believed that worship is incomplete without doing these. Shastras say that when we light the lamp, the Devas and the Lord cool down. We should be careful while lighting the lamp to please the deities during our prayers. To help with that, here are the mistakes that should not be made while lighting.
The Japanese believe that art and beauty reside in broken objects. But it is wrong to use broken lamps as far as our worship is concerned. Broken lamps in rituals are inauspicious. Lighting is believed to bring peace to the family. God's grace may not reach us. Don't blame the things you do on God. It is very important that the lights are clean. When using earthen lamps, one use is sufficient. If metal lamps are used, they should be rubbed and cleaned thoroughly before lighting. Clean lighting is believed to bring a sense of calmness to the home.
  Usually, we light a lamp on the bare floor at the door of the house. Light the lamp over rice or other objects for added benefit. The lamp should not be turned off within a few minutes. It should light up for a while. A sesame lamp can be lit to appease Lord Shani's anger. According to Hindu Shastra, one lamp should not be lit from another lamp.
Each lamp should be lit individually. When placing the lamp, avoid placing it in the west direction and place it in the east. West direction is said to increase luxury spending. Light a lamp in the south direction to remember the ancestors. This will increase peace and happiness in the home. A lamp can be placed at the door every day in the evening. Those who want to light a lamp at home will get good results if they light it between 5 am to 10 am and 5 pm to 7 pm. If you are a person who lights lamps daily, do not make the above mistakes and worship the Lord. Get good results.

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