Goodbye to poverty with this mantra!!

Sindujaa D N

Goodbye to poverty with this mantra!!

In Hindu religion, whenever a person dies, after that reciting Garuda Purana, that person's soul attains salvation. Garuda Purana inspires a person to do good deeds.

There are 18 Puranas and 4 Vedas in Vedic Hinduism. Garuda Purana is considered very important among 18 Puranas. Due to the special status given to Garuda Purana, it is called Mahapurana. The presiding deity of Garuda Purana is Shri hari Vishnu. In Hindu religion, whenever a person dies, after that reciting Garuda Purana, that person's soul attains salvation. Garuda Purana inspires a person to do good deeds. Some such mantras have been told in Garuda Purana, chanting of which gives freedom from disease and wealth. Let us know what is that mantra.

mantra to remove poverty

Om Jun S:

It is believed that by chanting this mantra, poverty goes away in no time and the person becomes rich. Apart from this, the glory of sri vishnu Sahastranam is also mentioned in Garuda Purana. It is said that if a person does this lesson for six months, then every obstacle in his life can be removed.

sanjeevani mantra

yakshi om um swaha

Sanjeevani mantra is also mentioned in Garuda Purana. According to Garuda Purana, the person who perfects this mantra can bring happiness in the lives of others as well. But after knowing the complete rules, Sanjeevani mantra should be used in the company of a proven person. Along with this, it should always be used for the welfare of the world.

Importance of Garuda Purana

Garuda Purana is one of the 18 Mahapuranas. There are 19 thousand verses in Garuda Purana, in which seven thousand verses have been told about the mysterious things related to life. In this, the description of knowledge, religion, policy, mystery, soul, heaven and hell is found. By reading or listening to the text of Garuda Purana, one comes to know about the importance of enlightenment, virtue, devotion, knowledge, yagya, penance and pilgrimage etc. That's why every person must know about it.

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