Keeping Pooja Room in Your House as per Vaastu


When it comes to constructing the temple, do not place it directly on the floor. Instead, keep it on a raised platform or pedestal, advises Parmar. “The temple should be made of marble or wood. Avoid temples made from glass or acrylic. Do not clutter the temple. Ensure that you do not have multiple idols of the same god or Goddess, either in a seating or standing position in the temple. The idol or photos placed in the temple, should not be cracked or damaged, as it considered is inauspicious,” suggests Parmar.


One should be able to perform poojas, wherever the temple is kept. During special poojas, the entire family tends to pray together. Hence, ensure that there is enough space for the family to sit down and pray. The temple area should have good and healthy flow of energy. So, keep it neat and clean, without dust or cobwebs and avoid stuffing the space with too many accessories. Above all, the temple should give you a feeling of serenity and calmness.


The temple at home, is a sacred place where we worship God. So, naturally, it must be a positive and peaceful place. The temple area, when placed according to Vastu Shastra, can bring health, prosperity and happiness to the house and its occupants. Although a separate puja room would be ideal, this is not always possible in metropolitan cities, where there is space crunch. Decorate the temple with fresh flowers. Light a few aroma candles, dhoop or incense sticks, to cleanse the area and create a divine ambiance. For the temple space, use white, beige, lavender or light yellow colours. A temple placed in the centre of the house a region that is called as the Brahmasthan is also said to be auspicious and can bring prosperity and good health for the inmates. You can also place the temple in the north-east direction.

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