Loyal DMK cadre waits outside Kauvery hospital!

DMK cadre and supporters have strongly said that DMK chief M Karunanidhi is a feeling which has become a part of their lives and that they'll not leave home till he gets well and returns home. Ever since DMK chief Karunanidhi was admitted in the Kaveri hospital, DMK supporters and Karunanidhi loyal aides have been thronging in large numbers outside Kaveri hospital.

DMK top leaders and police forces have been finding it extremely difficult to disperse the crowd. They had been waiting outside the hospital despite heavy rains or scorching sun, and several others were also offering prayers and worshipping god for the well being of Karunanidhi.

Karunanidhi is a kingmaker who had been instrumental in making many great political leaders and he was the one who fought for people, and hence being hungry for him or not sleeping isn't a great deal, said his supporters. His supporters said that they want him back fit and healthy and that they're willing to give their lives in return for his health.

Even female supporters said that he was a great leader after Anna and Periyar to help women significantly and for getting an equal share for women In Family assets, besides many welfare plans for women. They all said that they have the utmost respect for Karunanidhi and that they'll not leave the spot till he comes out healthy.

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