How many nuclear reactors are there in India?

frame How many nuclear reactors are there in India?

S Venkateshwari
How many nuclear reactors are there in India?

At present, there are a total of 24 nuclear power reactors in india which are spread across many different power stations. India's total nuclear power capacity is 8,180 MW. To increase this capacity, 21 more reactors are under construction or are in the initial stages of the project and their target is to reach 22,480 MW by 2031-32.

How does a nuclear reactor generate electricity?

The generation of electricity in a nuclear reactor begins with nuclear fission. When the atom of a heavy element (such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239) is hit with a neutron, it breaks. During this breakdown, a large amount of energy (heat) is produced. This is called a 'fission reaction'.

The heat produced by this fission process is poured into water. Due to which water turns into vapor. This heat is at a very high temperature, due to which steam is produced in the water. The steam produced is poured onto the turbine blades. When the steam hits the turbine blades, it rotates the turbine. A generator runs due to the rotation of the turbine.

A generator connected to the rotation of the turbine produces electricity. A generator consists of a magnetic field and coils. As the turbine rotates, the magnetic field passes through the coils, producing electric current.

The electricity produced from this process is sent to various areas through transformers and power grids, so that we can use electricity in homes, industries and other places.

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