Budget 2025: Bury your Housing plan until next Budget!!

frame Budget 2025: Bury your Housing plan until next Budget!!

Sindujaa D N

In a bold prediction, Rajiv Gupta, the MD of Wave City, has announced that the real estate sector will see a surge in growth, courtesy of the Urban Challenge Fund scheme. This scheme, Gupta assures us, is the golden ticket to a flourishing real estate market. But let's take a moment to unpack this dream-like forecast, shall we?

As if this wasn’t enough, Gupta also mentions that the expansion of the nil tax limit to ₹12 lakh will somehow make business operations smoother. Now, call me skeptical, but the reality is that the real estate developers (read: the big fish) will be the real winners here. For them, the scheme means more opportunities to hike up prices and push out the common man who’s already struggling to afford basic housing. After all, who else benefits from tax breaks and government incentives? Certainly not the average homebuyer, who’ll still be data-faced with sky-high prices and skyrocketing interest rates. But hey, as long as developers can expand their waves of luxury projects, who’s really complaining?

The ease of doing business, Gupta claims, will encourage "efficiency" and "growth." While it sounds promising in theory, one can’t help but wonder: who will really enjoy this newfound "ease"? Developers with their ever-growing portfolios? Or, perhaps, the property sharks circling for the next high-ticket project?

For the average citizen, though, this just seems like another round of corporate-backed policies designed to widen the gap. It’s almost as if the real "urban challenge" is making sense of the rhetoric behind these grandiose promises. So, while the future might look bright for the elite few, the rest of us will likely continue to watch the "growth" from the sidelines, wondering if we’ll ever be able to afford a decent home. Wave City, indeed.

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